Bambusa oldhamii (Giant Timber Bamboo)

bambusa oldhamii oldhams bamboo 200 mm
bambusa oldhamii oldhams bamboo 300 mm
bambusa oldhamii oldhams bamboo 300 mm
bambusa oldhamii oldhams bamboo 300 mm
bambusa oldhamii oldhams bamboo 300 mm
bambusa oldhamii oldhams bamboo 300 mm
The Australian Plant Shop Pot Size

Bambusa oldhamii (Giant Timber Bamboo)

Regular price $120.90
Pot Size
Tax included.
  • Sydney wide delivery in 5-10 business days.
  • All plants carefully hand delivered to your door in nursery pots.
  • Only best quality plants handpicked from the best Aussie growers.

This superbly erect rapid growing straight-culmed bamboo takes up less space than most smaller bamboos. With its medium-sized broad-leafed dark green clean appearance Oldhamii (pronounced old-ham-e-eye) is an ideal slightly larger suburban garden bamboo. Delicious shoots are light green and hairless except for a darker area being revealed by the lower culm leaf. A white powder covers the shoots and young culms.

The later vivid green culms turn gold in strong sunlight. Beautiful straight timber is highly used for furniture making and lighter internal structures. Large plantings exist in China and for shoot production in cooler climates but it gives a smaller crop than larger species.

Used in NZ and Nth NSW for tall orchard and nursery windbreaks. A cold-tolerant bamboo, and a must-have for any collector.

Light requirement: Full Sun and Part sun/part shade

Water requirement: High

Watering frequency: Every other day for the first month until established.

Soil: Free draining soils with good organics turned over. Can mulch with a leaf litter (not tea tree). If soil is sand mix in organic matter. If clay mounding is recommended.

Skill level:

Growth rate: Fast

Suitable for containers: Yes

More info:

External links to more info:

Drought tolerance: High

Frost tolerance: High

Wind tolerance: High

Disease and pest susceptibility:

Mature height: 7 m

Mature width: 3 m

Suitable for shaping: Yes

Colour: Green

Variegation: No

Size: Small/medium

Seasonality: Evergreen

Flowering: Yes; but primarily grown for it's foliage

Flower colour:

Flower fragrant:

Flowering season: Rare

Fruit: No

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