Neoregelia is smaller and easy-care Bromeliads that have a variety of beautiful foliage colors with spotted, marbled, or striped patterns that grow in a rosette form. They are primarily grown for their stunning foliage rather than the small white or blue flowers that they produce. They are suitable for pots or ground planting in areas with bright indirect sunlight, indoors or outside. Their leaves form a central water-holding vase that collects water and decaying matter for their nutritional needs. They bring a tropical feel to the garden and are great for mass planting.
Light requirement: Part sun/part shade, Bright indirect sunlight, and Medium indirect sunlight
Water requirement: Medium
Watering frequency:
Soil: Orchid mix
Skill level: Intermediate
Growth rate: Intermediate
Suitable for containers: Yes
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Drought tolerance: Medium
Frost tolerance: Low
Wind tolerance: Medium
Disease and pest susceptibility:
Mature height:
Mature width:
Suitable for shaping: No
Colour: Variety; cream, green, grey, pink, red, silver, yellow
Variegation: Yes
Size: Small/medium
Seasonality: Evergreen
Flowering: Yes; but primarily grown for it's foliage
Flower colour: White or blue
Flower fragrant: No
Flowering season:
Fruit: Insignificant
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