This magnificent very erect sooty black-culmed bamboo which retains its black colouring after harvesting is much valued for furniture and musical instrument making in Java. The culms, sometimes with light coloured stripes, are exposed and leafless for some metres then capped with dense downward pointing leaves.Looking for a bamboo that's sure to make a statement? Look no further than Gigantochloa atroviolacea, more commonly known as Java Black Bamboo. This unique bamboo is prized for its stunning sooty black culms, which make it a perfect choice for furniture and musical instrument making. And unlike some other black bamboo species, Java Black Bamboo retains its dark color even after being harvested. In addition to its beautiful appearance, Java Black Bamboo is also known for its impressive height, with culms often reaching up to 30 meters (about 98 feet) in the wild. The culms are exposed and leafless for several meters before being topped with dense, downward-pointing leaves. This striking plant is sure to add interest and intrigue to any space.
Light requirement: Full Sun and Part sun/part shade
Water requirement: Medium
Watering frequency:
Skill level: Intermediate
Growth rate: Fast
Suitable for containers:
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Drought tolerance: Medium
Frost tolerance: High
Wind tolerance: High
Disease and pest susceptibility:
Mature height:
Mature width:
Suitable for shaping:
Colour: Green
Variegation: No
Size: Small/medium
Seasonality: Evergreen
Flowering: Yes; but primarily grown for it's foliage
Flower colour:
Flower fragrant:
Flowering season:
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