Red Back Australian Ginger has been treasured by the Aboriginal people for millennia. This amazing plant can be found in rainforest understories of Northern New South Wales and Southern Queensland — this particular variety hails from Atherton Tableland near Cairns. Both its spicy root and striking blue fruits are a delight to consume, with roots that may enhance savoury dishes, desserts, jams & marmalades as well as bring an extra zing to tea! The seeds should not be eaten but the berries have a wonderful lemony ginger flavour - oftentimes enjoyed during walkabouts by Aboriginal nomads who sought refreshment on their travels.
Light requirement: Part sun/part shade and Bright indirect sunlight
Water requirement: Medium
Watering frequency:
Soil: Well Drained
Skill level: Beginner
Growth rate: Intermediate
Suitable for containers:
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Drought tolerance: Medium
Frost tolerance: Medium
Wind tolerance: Low
Disease and pest susceptibility:
Mature height:
Mature width:
Suitable for shaping:
Colour: Green, Red
Variegation: No
Size: Large
Seasonality: Evergreen
Flowering: Yes; profuse/bright display
Flower colour: Cream, White
Flower fragrant: No
Flowering season: All year
Fruit: Yes
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