Neomarica gracilis commonly called the Brazilian Walking Iris is a gorgeous plant with long strappy lush green leaves. As the leaves grow long, they start arching to give a cascade of green lushness that looks amazing in a hanging basket. It is an excellent plant for ground cover, borders, or rockeries in shade or part-shaded areas. They produce dainty white and blue flowers in spring and summer. After blooming, the flower stem arches and takes root in the ground, growing into another plant and giving this plant the name 'Walking Iris'.
Light requirement: Part sun/part shade and Bright indirect sunlight
Water requirement: Medium
Watering frequency:
Soil: Well draining moist.
Skill level: Beginner
Growth rate: Fast
Suitable for containers: Yes
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Drought tolerance: Medium
Frost tolerance: Low
Wind tolerance: Medium
Disease and pest susceptibility:
Mature height:
Mature width:
Suitable for shaping: No
Colour: Green
Variegation: No
Size: Large
Seasonality: Evergreen
Flowering: Yes; profuse/bright display
Flower colour: Blue and white
Flower fragrant: No
Flowering season: Spring and summer
Fruit: Insignificant
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