The attractive perennial Homalomena 'Maggi' (Queen of hearts) has tall, sizable, bright green heart-shaped leaves that are held aloft by reddish-brown stems. Excellent option for a houseplant. Perfect for eliminating impurities and cleaning the air. can be grown outdoors in tropical climates with excellent light and protection. Best planted inside, near a window with bright, filtered light in cooler climatic regions. In the hot sun's direct rays, foliage will burn. Defend against chilly and scorching breezes. prefers a wet, well-drained soil. Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. In the spring, fertilise with a high-quality slow-release fertiliser and occasionally with liquid feed. At the plant's base, remove any dead leaves.
Light requirement: Bright indirect sunlight
Water requirement: Medium
Watering frequency:
Skill level: Intermediate
Growth rate: Intermediate
Suitable for containers:
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Drought tolerance: Low
Frost tolerance: Low
Wind tolerance: Low
Disease and pest susceptibility:
Mature height:
Mature width:
Suitable for shaping:
Colour: Green
Variegation: No
Size: Large
Seasonality: Evergreen
Flowering: Yes; profuse/bright display
Flower colour:
Flower fragrant:
Flowering season:
Fruit: No
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